Améliorer les performances des machines hydrauliques dans le monde entier

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Grade Resistance


The grade resistance of a vehicle is .01 times the gross weight times the percentage grade.

GR= .01 x GVW x % grade


GR = Grade resistance

GVW = Gross vehicle weight


What is the grade resistance of a vehicle having a gross weight of 10,000 lbs. on a 5% grade?

GR = .01 x 10,000 x 5 = 500 lbs


The grade resistance of a vehicle is .0981 times the gross weight times the percentage grade.

GR= .0981 x GVW x % grade


GR = Grade resistance in newtons

GVW = Gross vehicle weight in kilograms


What is the grade resistance of a vehicle having a gross weight of 4,500 kg. on a 5% grade?

GR = .0981 x 4,500 x 5 = 2207.25 N